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2025 Mishloach Manot

Spread Joy This Purim!

Celebrate Purim with the tradition of Mishloach Manot! Share the festive spirit. This is a wonderful way to connect with your Temple Beth El community while also supporting a meaningful fundraiser.

Your generosity helps make this tradition possible while strengthening our community bonds.

Don’t miss this chance to spread joy and make a difference!

For a superior registration experience, please log in to your ShulCloud account.

If you require assistance with resetting your password, please can click on the "Forgot Password" link on the login screen (located in the upper right corner)
to receive an automated reset email with instructions.

Sponsorship Levels
Please select one or more options 


Please check total before submitting this form.

Credit Card Convenience Fee: On the Payment Page, please consider adding to your payment the amount to cover the Credit Card Convenience Fee to help offset processing costs. Please note: if you pay via E-check, there is no convenience fee. 
Temple Beth El of West Palm Beach is committed to safeguarding your information. Our site and all information entered into forms on this site adhere to the strictest security policies, including SSL, even when not showing as "https."
Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785