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The Men's Club at TBE is a welcoming community that celebrates camaraderie, service, and Jewish values. It provides a space for men of all ages to come together and form meaningful connections. Engage in thought-provoking discussions, participate in community initiatives, and create lasting friendships while strengthening your connection to Judaism and the broader TBE community.

Whether gathering for social events, engaging in volunteering opportunities, or deepening your understanding of Jewish traditions, the Men's Club offers a supportive environment where you can grow personally and spiritually and make a positive impact. 

We'd love for you to join our awesome crew and come along for the ride as we share plenty of laughs and positively impact our community.

2024-2025 Calendar of Events (subject to change)

Wednesday, September 18
Sunday, October 13
Tuesday, October 15
Sunday, November 10
Wednesday, November 20
Sunday, December 8
Wednesday, December 18
Sunday, January 5
Wednesday, January 15
Sunday, February 9
Sunday, February 16
Wednesday, February 19
Wednesday, March 19
Friday, March 28
Saturday, March 29
Wednesday, April 16
Wednesday, May 21

Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM
Brunch and Movie, presented by @ TBD
Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM
Brunch and Movie, presented by @ TBD
Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM
Brunch and Movie, presented by @ TBD
Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM
Brunch and Movie, presented by @ TBD
Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM
World Wide Wrap @ 9:00 AM
Casino Night @ 6:00 PM
Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM
Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM
Men's Club Shabbat
Men's Club Shabbat
Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM
Monthly Meeting & Program @ 6:00 PM

For more information or to get involved with Men's Club at Temple Beth El, contact us at

Sun, September 8 2024 5 Elul 5784